Why digital files are not enough - You need printed images.
Digital photography changed the way we take and view images. We now can take hundreds of pictures without wasting film or the need to develop it. Smartphones allow us to have a camera at hand at any moment. Now we can capture any moment, whether special or not. While these are all benefits of digital photography, there are drawbacks.
Too many digital images are hard to find and provide little value.
When photographing with digital technology, it is easy to accumulate hundreds or thousands of images. Not only does it mean more work to sort through archived images, but it also means they are not displayed for you and your family to see daily. Some of life's most precious moments are not being shared or remembered. When sharing on social media, your photos' value diminishes with the myriad of images exposed to everyone daily. Will your picture be saved, printed, or just passed up for the next bit of eye candy? Wall art or handcrafted albums make a statement and will be remembered! When you have your most precious and favorite images processed through a professional photo lab and printed on archival quality materials, these pieces will be priceless and viewed with love and attention.
Technology is ever-changing and degrades over time.
Technology ages, and digital media can degrade. Yesterday's image and video storage solutions do not work with today's technology. Do you keep an old computer around so you can look at those images stored on a 3 1/4" floppy drive? What about CDs - not all laptops and tablets come with CD drives anymore. Let's not even mention that hard drives can crash, and CDs can get scratched or broken. Can you even access all the images you might have? And if you can still access them, can you find the ones that mean the most? When you work with your professional photographer, they will help you select timeless quality pieces that work best for you; heirloom wall art or archival quality prints to share with family. Grandparents and relatives love physical photos. Most photographers will even give you social media sized digital images for you to share online as well.
Heirloom Albums can be given as gifts and shared from generation to generation
Printed Heirloom artwork lasts for generations.
Sharing digital images may be simpler, but those images may be lost to future generations. Technology changes and the way we access digital images today may not be viable to your future heirs. When you have your most valuable memories created into heirloom quality pieces, these items can be passed down from generation to generation. Family portraits framed with museum quality glass and archival paper will last for 100 years without fading. Professionally printed albums are valuable memory keepers that will also last years and years.
The value of printed images is priceless. Everyone thinks they want digitals when working with a photographer. How many digitals do I get? It is more important to think about what you are looking for when scheduling a portrait or lifestyle session. You need your precious memories thoughtfully captured to look back upon through heirloom quality art on your walls, in folio boxes, or beautifully crafted albums. This artwork can be shared with family and handed down from generation to generation.